Google in its recent blog post confirmed that they are pushing back their most awaited third party cookie replacement until mid of 2023. In order to comply with UK regulatory, Google is expected to stop supporting third party cookies, and Google is postponing this change since the start.
Google confirmed this change would be made public by mid 2023 and browsers will no longer have access to third party cookies which are a huge concern for privacy issues. By reading Google’s blog post we can understand Google is not yet ready with any alternative plan.
Google’s third party cookie replacement issues addressed in their blog post
“The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to create web technologies that both protect people’s privacy online and give companies and developers the tools to build thriving digital businesses to keep the web open and accessible to everyone, now, and for the future. To make this happen, we believe the web community needs to come together to develop a set of open standards to fundamentally enhance privacy on the web, giving people more transparency and greater control over how their data is used. “
Source: Google Blog post
This all started in 2019, where Google promised, it will make harder for third party online sellers and marketers to track users. Eliminating the third-party cookies from browsers is part of that initiative. Google back then mentioned this process will be complete by 2022. But, now Google is pushing back once again until mid of 2023. With Apple’s hard take on iPhone privacy locks, pressure on Google is mounting up, yet they don’t seem to have a proper direction on what to do that can satisfy users as well as online sellers.
Since, ads are core business of Google, it will be a tough task for advertisers to come forward to make investment in a market where they cannot track users anymore. Google is planning to work on this issues in two stages and stage 1 will begin in late 2022 and stage 2 can be expected to start mid 2023. Let us hope this is the last time Google will skip this update.
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