Today, Telegram has announced a big new update of “1000 video calls” that “takes video “to the next level.” The popular messaging app has made improvements to nearly every video-focused feature — including group video calls, video messages, and the media player. Group video calls on Telegram can now have 1000 Video calls at a time.
However, Telegram still allows only up to 30 participants to broadcast their own live videos at one time. Telegram is also improving its Video messages feature by adding support for higher resolution. You can record a Telegram message by tapping on the camera icon in any chat window and then picking from your library of existing videos or recording a new one right there!
How does 1000 Video calls on Telegram works?
Telegram’s Group video call feature now allows for groups of 1000 viewers, though the app still limits each broadcast to 30 participants. Telegram now supports higher-resolution video messages. Records audio messages as a video by tapping on the microphone icon in the chat bar. First, you press and hold. Then you can tap a video message to expand it. If you tap on the video, it will pause. You can then fast forward or rewind the message.
Another new feature of this update is a screen sharing option. Now you can also set the auto-delete option to 1 month. Previously it was 3 or more months.
With the latest update Telegram app offers a ton of features. You can create groups with up to 1000 members, send self-destructing messages, hold “secret chats” and enable a variety of other security options. Telegram also has support for video calls in the form of group or one on one conversations.
Group video calls on Telegram can now have a total of 1000 viewers who will be able to see the broadcast live as it happens. Anyone who wants to watch just needs to tune into the ongoing stream at any time during its run time without using internet data (just Wi-Fi). This new update takes video calling in Telegram up another notch by supporting higher resolutions which means you can achieve a better quality of the call.
Telegram users are also able to record video messages with higher resolution and then share them with other Telegram members or groups in the same chat, without using any internet data (just Wi-Fi). Telegram is a great app for when it comes to communication because not only does it offer free voice calls but if your country doesn’t support messaging over SMS text service, Telegram will be one of the few apps out there that offers this feature.