We all know what Facebook is. But, How was Facebook created? It is used by billions of people and an internet mammoth, but its founders could have never dreamt of how enormous it would turn out to be. It licenses users to connect and interact with friends in an unadorned, shorthanded manner and to share thoughts, news, and multimedia with others.
What was the purpose of Facebook?
The initial purpose of Facebook, or “The Facebook” as it was known then, was created for Harvard students to utilize their “.edu” email addresses & photographs to associate with other students at the school. Online “facebooks” were already existing at Harvard during that time. They were online catalogs that featured photos of students alongside information about them.
Then-student Mark Zuckerberg envisioned a way of bringing the existing social experience of his college onto the Internet, as he wanted a single “Facebook” for the whole of the student body at Harvard University.
How was Facebook created the Beginning
His Inspiration was struck from an editorial on The Harvard Crimson on Facebook’s controversial forerunner, “FaceMash.” it proved to attain quite the popularity, attracting 22,000 views in just 4 hours. Woefully, the site had violated a few of Harvard’s policies as they hacked into the school’s security system & copied student ID images. The takedown of the site worked in favor of Zuckerberg as Facebook was in due course founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes. Within just 24 hours of launch, around 1,200 students had signed up, the site was launched under the URL thefacebook.com.
Why was “ The Facebook” changed to “Facebook”?
The company let go of the ‘The’ from its name after acquiring the domain title facebook.com in 2005. It transformed into Facebook.com in August of 2005 after the address was acquired for $200,000.
What companies does Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook own?
Facebook has acquired 78 companies in the last 15 years. Out of the 78 companies that Facebook has bagged, the costs for just 27 of them were vouchsafed to the public. The 27 deals were estimated to be worth more than $23 billion. The top 10 acquisitions being –
- WhatsApp ($19 billion)
- Oculus VR ($2 billion)
- Instagram ($1 billion)
- CRTL-labs ( in-between $500 million & $1 billion)
- LiveRail ($500 million)
- Onavo (between $100 million and $200 million)
- tbh (less than $100 million)
- Redkix (less than $100 million)
- Parse ($85 million)
- Atlas Solutions ( in-between $50 million & $100 million)
[…] interacted with each other. Social media had become so popular that it became apparent that Facebook would be a great way for students to connect and stay up-to-date about their lives while they were […]
[…] tale starts in February 2015 when Facebook first introduced its buy and sell groups named Facebook Marketplace. These buy and sell groups allow their users to […]