On Friday in Los Angeles Superior court, the Gerard Butler lawsuit came into action. Gerard Butler filed a lawsuit against the profits of Olympus Has Fallen, he claims that he owns at least $10 million from the success of Olympus Has Fallen, the movie that was released in the year 2013 about an attack on the White House. This Action/Thriller is about when the president of America is kidnapped and an ex-secret agent uses his intelligence and experience to rescue him. This movie is the origin of the sequels “London Has Fallen” and “Angel Has Fallen.”
Gerard Butler lawsuit details:
Butler has filed a lawsuit against Millennium Media and Nu Image where he stated that he owns $10 million from the success of the film, yet he hasn’t been paid a single penny in net profits, but, the defendants say that they were never intended to pay any kind of payments from the net profits. The movie has collected around $170 million worldwide. After an audit, the account statements were rising flags in different areas on the revenue of movie’s business both domestically and worldwide.
The suit quotes, there is a breach of contract, fraud, intentional interference with contractual relations. Butler’s complaint stated that “Producers have earned millions of profits from the film, but they refused to pay Butler from the profits even they promised to him in the agreement”. It seems producers have designed a scheme to misrepresent the revenue generated on the movie to Butler, but, he believes that there are no such payments. The lawsuit also added that “It appears that, the producers’ misleading scheme is the way to hide the profits from the film in order to keep the profits to themselves”
Scarlett Johansson Filed A Lawsuit On Disney:
Another similar lawsuit has been filed by Scarlet Johansson who is suing Disney for breach of contract. Disney has released the movie on its Disney+ streaming service and in movie theaters at the same time. In the suit, she mentioned by releasing the movie on both platforms costs her more than $50million.
[…] Gerard Butler lawsuit: Actor suing Producers Of “Olympus Has Fallen” For Hiding Profits […]