The Rubik’s Cube is a puzzle game invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture ErnÅ‘ Rubik. It consists of a cube with six faces, each covered by nine stickers, or squares. The goal is to arrange the Rubik’s cube so that each face displays only one color. This can be done in many ways: for example, you could rotate the Rubik’s cube 90 degrees at a time until all the faces are once again solid colors, or if you’re feeling sneaky you could try turning certain layers without rotating it as much, which will result in different pieces moving around on top of other ones.

The Rubik’s cube has always fascinated people because it seems like such an impossible task to solve when you first see it. But with the right approach, you’ll be able to solve Rubik’s cube in no time. First, let’s take a look at the easy 3 steps way.
How to solve a Rubik’s cube? The 3 step way
Step 1: Take a Rubik’s cube and solve all the 3 cubes so that each Rubik’s cube has a unique color on it.
Step 2: Rubiks solve the Rubik’s on the cube in order clockwise, counterclockwise, or do this twice in order, which is called “D” Rubiks (it sort of looks like an upside-down capital letter D). You will need to use a layer-by-layer(LBL) Rubik’s solving technique for this.
Step 3: First solve the top two layers side by side. Then turn your Rubik’s cube so that you are looking at where the Rubiks layer would be and solve it side by side with the top two layers. This step is repeated until all four on the top of your cube are solved.
Rubik’s permutation is a way of solving Rubiks Cube that is used to create different combinations before Rubiks solve. This technique can be applied using pure rotation techniques and Rubiks to create 10x10x10 Rubik’s Combinations instead of 10 Rubiks Combinations, which will make your Rubik’s Solve 10x easier and 10x more possible.
Follow these 12 steps to be a pro in solving Rubik’s cube:
#1 Understand how Rubik cube works:
Whether you’re thinking about creating your own Rubik’s cube or just would like to understand how it functions, there are a few things you should know before beginning the puzzle: The Rubik’s cube has six faces, and each face consists of nine stickers. You might assume that these stickers are randomly placed on the cube, but this is not so; there is one corner sticker, three edge stickers, and four center stickers per face (the rest of the surface of the cube is hollow). Each of these 9 squares contains a different color. If your cube has all nine squares the same color, then it is solved (think of this as an upside-down cube).
#2 Learn how to solve Rubik cubes
Rubik’s cubes can be confusing at first but with some practice and patience – like any puzzle – you will be able to master it. If you would like to learn how to solve Rubik’s cubes in the least amount of time possible, start by watching videos on YouTube that show step-by-step solutions for beginners. Make sure that they are in 720p HD quality to have a clearer picture.
#3 Understand the Rubik’s cube notation
This may sound pointless to some of you, but it is important if you are a Rubik’s beginner and would like to know what the cube notation means. The cube notation that I am talking about is simply using letters instead of numbers to indicate positions on the cube’s faces. For example: R = red, B = blue, O = orange, G = green and Y = yellow.

If you were thinking of just going with colors as your Rubik’s notation this may be helpful: R=Red, B=Blue/Black/Grey (referring to the stickers on the cube, which are black and Rubik’s brand gives you red Rubik’s cubes as well), O=Orange/Yellow(nothing to do with the color of Rubik’s cube), G=Green.(same goes for yellow) Y=White.
The white Rubik’s cubes have the same coloring scheme as the blue Rubik’s cube so just replace all references to blue with white. Some other common Rubik’s notation usages: R+ = refers that two sides with a different color (for example B+Y means there is one side of blue and one side of yellow on the face). R2 – simply indicates the whole face is one color (R2 can either be B or R but not both at the same time). R2 B2 means there are 2 Rubik’s squares with the same color (B) on the Rubik’s cube face.
#4 Understand how to solve Rubik twist
The Rubik’s twist method is a simple solving method that consists of only turning layers and not the whole cube. This solves Rubik’s in combination with other more advanced techniques, so I don’t suggest using it to solve by itself if you do not have any experience in solving Rubik’s cube. You may want to try this method first before moving on to harder ones if you are new because this one is fairly easy to execute.
#5 Understand Rubik’s slice
This Rubik’s solving method is an alternative solving method that consists of turning the layers and not the cube as a whole. Similar to the Rubik twist you may want to first try using this method before going onto more advanced ones. Both Rubik’s twist and slice solve in combination with other more advanced methods, so I wouldn’t suggest using it to solve Rubik’s by itself unless you are already familiar with them (recommended if you’re new).
#6 Understand Rubik’s twist
The Rubik’s cube has 9 squares, each one having a different color on the cube. If your cube has all nine squares the same color, then it is solved (an upside-down cube). In order to solve a Rubik’s cube, you must have knowledge of how to use both Rubik’s twists and solves together in order to rotate the correct pieces out of place. This method is recommended for advanced solvers only because sometimes it will be easier just by using pure rotation techniques for very specific places if you are able to do so. I highly recommend learning Rubik’s solve first before twist if you are new to solving the cube.
#7 Understand Rubik’s rotation transformation
When I mean “understand” this, it means that you should at least have an understanding of what it is and how does Rubik’s rotation occur. Rotation is a term used when referring to the movement of layer movements on Rubik’s cubes in order to get all faces the same color. For example, when rotating a particular face clockwise, the layers move counterclockwise. Understanding Rubik’s transform will help you understand Rubik’s solving methods like (but not limited to) Layer-by-layer(LBL) method, Fridrich method, ZZ-bld, ZZ-LBL, etc.
#8 Understand Rubik’s proof

The Rubik’s cube has a color on every face of the cube. There are only 43 quintillion combinations (or 43 Rubik’s cubes that you could solve) of Rubik’s after rearranging it with the same puzzle pieces. In order to get all these faces solved you would have to create almost 10 million Rubik’s cubes with each one having different positioning of layers than one another, which is not possible (please note – this number was calculated by assuming there is no “stuck” layer and also other methods can be used to bypass the whole 44×10^17 scenario). This means the cube is impossible to solve, but it is actually only very hard to solve and can be easily solved with solving methods.
#9 The LBL (Layer-By-Layer) method
This is probably the most famous and most used Rubik’s solving technique ever made. It was originally created by Lars Petrus just like the Fridrich method and many other techniques but was later improved on by Jessica Fridrich later since she thought that there could be a more efficient way to solve Rubik’s cube. This Rubik’s solving method is very efficient and can have speeds of 5 seconds per Rubik’s, but it also requires knowledge of Rubik’s solve Rubik’s permutation/algorithms because you need to apply these steps in order to make this technique work.