As soon as one is diagnosed with any type of diabetes, the risk and preventive measures come first, especially in regard to the kind of food one eats. Although fruits are very nutritious and healthy, it is said that not all can be eaten when diabetic. According to the American Diabetes Association, a lot of fruits are usually loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals and also have great amounts of fiber content that help in the regulation of blood sugar levels. We have summarized all kinds of pondering questions one can think of when considering the kind of fruit or diet one should consider if diagnosed with diabetes.

- Berries: Be it blueberry, or strawberry, any berry can be consumed without worry. They have even been termed diabetes superfoods as they are filled with antioxidants and fiber. A combination of berries with non-fat yoghurt or even adding them to any dish can be the perfect breakfast for those with diabetes.
- Peaches: They can be procured in different ways, be it in the form of slices or iced tea or a fresh smoothie of peaches and low-fat buttermilk and ginger or cinnamon, which can be a sweet treat for those with diabetes. They are high in Vitamin C, potassium, and carbohydrates, which serve as a perfect diabetes-friendly snack.
- Apricots: Apricots are the perfect summer fruit for anyone with diabetes as four fresh apricots can become a daily supplement for Vitamin A and, of course, they are rich in fibre too. They can be taken as is or added to every day’s cereal or salad.
- Oranges: One orange is known to have at least 78% of vitamin C and that one needs in a day, contains optimum carbohydrates, and has a caloric value of 62. Oranges also possess folate and potassium, which help in regulating blood pressure. Along with oranges, other citrus fruits like grapefruits can also be procured.
- Tart cherries: They are the epitome of fighting inflammation, and one cup of these contains 52 calories. They are also packed with antioxidants and help in preventing many diseases of the lungs, heart, and even cancer. Usually, the canned and dried ones contain sugar, so it is advisable to eat the fresh ones.
- Pears: They are usually known for their high fibre content, and pears taste even better, unlike other fibre-rich fruits in terms of texture and flavour. What’s even more interesting is that one can take a pear and add it to their spinach salad, increasing the fibre content of their diabetes-friendly diet.
- Kiwi: Kiwis might probably look very fuzzy and small, but these zesty bright green fruits are loaded with potassium, vitamin C, fibre, and carbohydrates that are diabetes-friendly and are in fact available all year long.
- Apples: Last but not least, as the saying goes, an apple a day keeps a doctor away. The apple, of course, is very rich in fibre and also provides quite a good amount of Vitamin C, including the peels of the apple. Apples as a whole are very nutritious and have properties of antioxidants that protect the heart.
What is a diabetic diet?
It is not to assume that this is a tedious process, it simply means having the healthiest foods in proper amounts on the plate and taking them at regular mealtimes. It indeed is a great eating plan, focusing on having food that is naturally very rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. The main idea of this dietetic plan is to maximize the amount of nutrient intake and include most vegetables, fruits, and other grains. In simpler terms, this diabetic diet plan is much more suitable for almost anyone and everyone.
How to start a diabetic diet?
It is nothing special just for individuals with diabetes to start a diet plan. Whether to prevent or control diabetes. Anyone can take up a diet plan as nutritional needs are important to every individual.
To start with a diabetic diet plan, one must always consult a doctor or paediatrician and get familiar with all the terms like what to procure and what not to, and how it works. A good meal plan always includes no starchy vegetables like spinach, green beans, broccoli, etc. It also must include very less sugar content and refined grains like white bread, rice, and pasta. Another thing to keep in mind is that most meal plans must focus more on whole foods instead of those highly processed ones.
Carbohydrates usually raise blood sugar levels, but the rate at which they do so depends on what they are eaten with. Taking carbs with proteins, fat or fibre can help in slowing down the rise in blood sugar levels.

Counting crabs and plate methods can help in planning meals. Counting carbs is a way of keeping track of how much carbs one has eaten and setting a limit for each meal can help in checking up on the blood sugar level. This method usually is worked alongside a doctor or a dietician.
The plate method is a simple way of making sure that the diet includes the right amounts of starchy vegetables and enough protein content while limiting the carb intake that has a major impact on blood sugar. Fill half of the plate (normal nine-inch dinner plate) with non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, etc., and one-quarter with protein-rich items like chicken, tofu, or eggs. In the end, fill the other quarter with carbs like rice, pasta, fruit, or even a cup of milk. Do not forget to include water or any kind of unsweetened drink with the meal.
Why is the fruit diet the best of all diabetic diets?
Since fruits are basically a powerhouse of various vitamins like A, B, C, and E and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and fibre. Fruits are full of antioxidants and are not just mere diabetic foods but they are high in fibre and water content that help in lowering sugar spike and their absorption rate. Adding fruits to the diet and making them the prime constituent of the diet helps in achieving a balanced diet and as a result, the individual develops less risk for any heart disease or cancer as told by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Is the keto diet good for diabetics?
First, let us familiarise ourselves with the term keto, it is a popular way to reduce weight and the diet focuses on a low-carb and high-fat eating plan. Sounds ridiculous right? But this is how the keto diet works, the body usually runs from sugar or as we term it, glucose that is acquired through carbs. After a few days pass, the body is drained of glucose hence the body uses up the body fat instead.
This is termed nutritional ketosis where it makes the fatty acid substances, ketones, that the body can take up for energy. Research tells those patients with type 2 diabetes have reduced weight and lowered their blood sugar levels through the keto diet and needed less medication. Although the research proves that the keto diet is somewhat good for those with diabetes, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or a paediatrician and discuss the meal plan accordingly.
Can diet and exercise control diabetes?
A major clinical study was conducted by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and it was seen that individuals who were at risk for diabetes for 3 years after incorporating 150 mins of exercising for a week had actually decreased their risk for developing a type 2 diabetes by 58%.
A proper diet and regular exercise are known to be successful strategies to manage or prevent diabetes. Even those who are at high risk or those who have already been diagnosed with diabetes can reverse it with the help of exercise and diet.