Slack is an indispensable tool in the modern workplace, revolutionizing how teams communicate and collaborate. But like any digital platform, users occasionally encounter errors that can disrupt the flow of work. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the different error codes you might face while using Slack and provide solutions to fix each one.
Common Slack Error Codes and Fixes
Error Code: tokens_revoked
When you encounter the tokens_revoked error, it means that your access token has been revoked. This usually happens as a security measure. To fix this, request a new token from your Slack admin or the app management settings.
Error Code: account_inactive
This code arises if your account is disabled or inactive. To resolve this issue, you may need to reach out to your Slack workspace administrator to reactivate your account.
Error Code: channel_not_found
The channel_not_found error indicates that the channel you’re trying to access no longer exists or you don’t have permission to view it. Check if the channel exists and that you have the appropriate permissions. If needed, ask an admin to grant you access.

Error Code: is_archived
Encountering is_archived means the channel or direct message you’re trying to access has been archived. To solve this, you’ll need to unarchive the channel or dialogue, which can typically be done via the Slack interface.
Error Code: msg_too_long
The msg_too_long error is self-explanatory; your message exceeds Slack’s maximum allowed character limit. Edit your message to be shorter and try sending it again.
Error Code: no_permission
When you see the no_permission error code, it signifies that you’re attempting an action that your user role does not permit. Contact an admin to assess whether your permissions can be adjusted.
Error Code: not_authed
This error, not_authed, occurs when you aren’t authenticated. Make sure you’re logged in to your Slack account. If you are logged in and still see this message, log out and sign in again to refresh your session.
Error Code: not_in_channel
The error not_in_channel suggests that you are trying to interact with a channel that you are not a member of. Join the channel in order to proceed with the interaction.
Error Code: user_is_bot
If you come across user_is_bot, it means that the action you’re trying to perform is not permitted for bot users. Use a non-bot account to complete your task.
Error Code: too_many_attachments
With Slack, you can send messages with multiple attachments, but there is a limit. The too_many_attachments error occurs when you exceed this limit. Reduce the number of attachments and try sending the message again.
Less Common Slack Error Codes and Solutions
Error Code: user_not_found
This error surfaces when the system cannot find the user you’re referring to. Double-check the user ID and ensure it corresponds with an active Slack user.
Error Code: user_disabled
The user_disabled error indicates that the user’s account has been disabled. The individual will need to contact their workspace administrator to resolve this issue.
Error Code: invalid_auth
Encountering invalid_auth points to incorrect authentication credentials. Review and confirm your login details. If necessary, reset your password and try again.
Error Code: invalid_charset
If invalid_charset appears, the content you’re trying to post includes characters not supported by Slack. Modify your message to remove the unsupported characters.
Error Code: invalid_form_data
The error code invalid_form_data is triggered when a form submission in Slack has invalid or incomplete data. Check the form fields, complete all required fields correctly, and submit the form again.
How to Proactively Avoid Slack Error Codes
- Keep Your Slack App Updated: Always update your Slack app to the latest version. This can prevent compatibility issues and errors from occurring.
- Use Slack’s Help Center: Slack provides an extensive help center that covers most issues and solutions. Visiting this resource can quickly help you identify and resolve errors.
- Check Slack’s Status: Before troubleshooting, check Slack’s status page to see if there are any ongoing service disruptions that might be causing errors.
By understanding these error codes and knowing how to fix them, you can minimize the interruption to your workflow and maintain productivity within your team. Remember that if you encounter persistent problems that you cannot resolve, you can always reach out to Slack’s support team for assistance.
In the fast-paced world of team collaboration, errors can be a speed bump, but they don’t have to become roadblocks. With the knowledge to troubleshoot these common concerns, you can keep your team’s communication as smooth and effective as the platform it depends on.
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