If you are planning to change Apple ID, let us explain how. But, let’s take a look at what are the uses of Apple ID? To use an iPhone, you don’t require an Apple ID. However, it is required if you want to get the most off your iPhone. It is required to unlock some of the most convenient features of your phone. It allows the download of free apps, and FaceTime, among other things.
While setting up any Apple device you are prompted to enter your Apple ID, you can create an Apple ID at any time. Your Apple ID is essentially an email address, ranging from @icloud.com, @me.com, or @mac.com to @gmail.com or any other third-party email address.
You can change your Apple ID on your Apple devices or even on a computer. Here’s how it’s done.
Few important steps to follow before changing:
Log out of everywhere you have logged in using the previous Apple ID. Only stay signed in on your iPhone. After changing your Apple ID, log back in on all your devices using your new ID.
If your Apple ID is an Apple email address, you have to visit appleid.apple.com.
How can we change Apple ID on iPhone?
- Tap on the Settings icon.
- Tap on your name, on top of your screen (it says Apple ID under your name).
- Select Name, Phone Numbers, Email.
- At the place it says Reachable At, click on the blue Edit button.
- A red minus sign will appear. Tap on the red minus.
- A pop-up will appear where you can choose to Cancel or Continue. Tap on Continue.
- You’ll reach a screen where you have to enter an email address. This will become your new Apple ID.
- A confirmation email will then be sent to the entered email address. Verify the received email to complete the process.
If you change your Apple ID to an Apple email address, you won’t be able to change it back to any third-party email address. If you liked this, leave a comment below or share it with friends, so that they also know how to change your Apple ID on an iPhone.