Enable dark mode on YouTube grants an easier-on-the-eyes experience. It’s nice when watching videos in the dark/night. YouTube’s dark theme is available on both the YouTube website and mobile apps for iPhone/ iPad/Android.
How can you enable Dark Mode on YouTube using a website?

On the desktop website, click on your profile icon in the top-right.

Click on “Appearance: Device Theme”

Select “Dark theme“
- If you aren’t signed in, click on the three vertical dots. This is where we’ll find the “Appearance: Device Theme” option.
- YouTube will follow your computer’s system-wide theme settings. Then click on “Dark Theme”. This will be applied to your current web browser only.
- You’ll have to enable the dark theme on each computer you use, as it doesn’t sync with your Google account.
- To undo, navigate back to “Appearance: Dark,” then choose “Use Device Theme” or “Light Theme.”
- For a dark mode on your desktop, enable the dark mode in the browser you use, be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. You have the ability to enable a dark theme in Gmail, too. You can also activate Windows’s built-in dark mode.
How can you enable Dark Mode on YouTube using your iPhone or iPad?

The app for iPhone and iPad has its dark mode option. To enable dark mode, open the app, then tap on your profile icon in the top-right.

Tap on “Settings” at the bottom of the menu.

Click on “General”.
Go to “Appearance“
- Toggle on “Dark Theme.”

How can you enable Dark Mode on YouTube on Android?
The Android app follows your device’s system-wide theme settings. However, if you don’t want everything on your Android device to be in dark mode, you can manually change it in the app.
- Open the app on your Android device, then tap on your profile picture in the top-right.
- Click on “Settings” at the bottom.
- From there, click on “General.”
- Choose “Appearance” from the list. This is where you can choose between a dark or a light theme.
- The “Use Device Theme” option will be highlighted. Click on “Dark Theme” to instantly transform the app’s interface.
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