How to force quit on Windows PC? A lot of people ask this question, as it is very difficult to close the programs that are running. There are many ways to force quit on a Windows computer, depending on what version of windows you have and how old your system is. Many modern operating systems have a way to force quit a program. If you find your computer running slowly, it could be because of an application that won’t close.
Every Windows user has had the unpleasant experience of force quitting an application. Whether it’s because your computer is running too slowly or you’re just frustrated, force quit applications are a necessary evil on Windows. Fortunately for us, there are three methods to force quit apps that should suit everyone’s needs. We’ll cover those now!

The first force quit method is the easiest in some ways and more difficult than others. You can force close an app by right-clicking on its taskbar icon and selecting “End Task” from the drop-down menu that appears.
This will force-quit the application, but there are a few caveats to this method. If you force-close all of your apps or just one, Windows won’t save any work you’ve done since opening those applications. This means anything unsaved will be lost (including documents with important information!). That being said, this quick solution should only be used when absolutely necessary as you don’t have time to deal with saving files before closing windows!
How to force quit on Windows using keyboard shortcuts?
- Click to select the non-responsive app from the list of running applications in your taskbar.
- Pressing Alt + F4 is one way to force quit on a Windows computer.
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del will bring up your computer’s Task Manager, where you can force quit any open programs. However, this method also works for Macs so be mindful of which OS (operating system) is running before force quitting!
How to force quit on Windows by using the Task Manager?
- On your keyboard press all three at once Control + Alt + Delete. After a preparing security settings window opens, a list of options will appear.
- Select the Task Manager.
- Make sure the application you want to force quit is selected in the list.
- To force quit on a Windows computer, click the End Task option of the Window menu to end an application that has stopped responding.
When using a Windows computer, force quitting an application is the best way to deal with it when things go wrong.

The first step in force quitting on your Windows PC is opening Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and selecting “Task Manager” from the bottom of the list. If you see a pop-up asking if you want to continue running the program or not (as shown below), select “No”. You should now be looking at your task manager screen.
To force quit apps that are currently open, highlight one app/program name at a time within this window until all programs have been highlighted (select each individually). Once they’ve been selected, click on End Task beneath them to force quit those applications immediately.
If you force-quit too many programs, Task Manager will prompt you to ask if you’re sure that’s what you want to do. Click “Yes” on this pop-up box.
You can also force quit all apps at once by going back into the CTRL + ALT + DELETE menu and selecting “Task Manager”. Once it opens up, click on File > New Task (Run) in order to open a window where an administrator username and password are needed before force quitting all of your applications at once. This method ensures that every single process running within Windows has been force quit/closed successfully.
Afterward, be sure to restart your computer for any changes made within the task manager or force quit apps to kick in.
How to force quit on Windows by using the search bar?

Another way to access these settings is through the search bar. Simply click on the magnifying glass in your taskbar (just to the right of your windows button). From there, you should see a search bar. Type “force” into that box and hit enter:
This will take you directly to the force-quit window where all apps running is listed with an option underneath each one titled “End Task.” You can force quit as many applications as necessary without closing out any work or having to restart Windows!
How to force quit apps using command prompt in windows force?
- Press Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run window.
- Open the “Search” window in Windows, then type cmd into the search box and press Enter.
- Next, launch Command Prompt and then type task list. That way you can see all processes running on your computer.
- Type taskkill/im [name_of_program].exe. For example, if you wish to quit Photoshop, you can type taskkill/im photoshop.exe.
- Select Enter.
The easy way to quit the application on Windows
The third way is probably best if saving files isn’t too much of a concern for you while still being effective at force quitting applications. This method uses keyboard shortcuts found when clicking on File Explorer’s File menu from within Windows itself. You can force quit any app on your Windows machine in this way, and it will not lose any unsaved work!