Wow, isn’t today a good day? Remember I said Google Lens usage was easy for our Android brethren, now we have got a special feature for iOS before Android. The option to instantly delete 15 minutes of search history has been launched for the Google app on iOS, Android users don’t worry it’ll make its way to Android devices later this year.
How does Google’s Instant delete of search history work?
American tech colossus Google has introduced a new privacy feature to delete the last 15 minutes of search history on mobile phones. Though first announced at the Google I/O 2021 along with various other search and Chrome improvements, this feature is being rolled out to all users finally.
On desktop in the ‘Manage history’ section, options still remain limited to auto-deletion of search history every 3, 18 & 36 months, or deleting them manually all at once. Google did shed light on their tracking of user search history was to personalize the experience, when the ‘Web Activity Setting’ is enabled. We got to give Google its flowers as it does give us an option to password protect our search history.
Currently, we here do think that the option to instantly delete search history undoubtedly brings some tranquility to the mind of users. Picture this as your keyboard’s backspace, but it’s labeled ‘OH NO’, as an emergency button. The peace of mind that I got after hearing about this new feature was just astronomical, I finally didn’t have to worry about god awful, mortifying, or just unadorned private searches.
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