Data-Driven Policing
Ever since the ECU Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) tightened the bolts on privacy and data protection laws, businesses and consumers alike became more conscious of their vulnerability to data breaches and cyber-attacks.
According to Gartner, by 2021, nearly 70% of organizations are going to be exposed to non-public data archiving. That’s a 60% growth since 2018 when the amount was at 10%.
Emerging and latest technological like cryptocurrency is getting to be one of those upcoming technologies that are yet to be compliant with privacy laws. An insertion of private data into public blockchains is often a serious worry for 75% of public blockchains by 2022. As a result, a whole ecosystem, supported by data-driven technologies, that’s constantly growing in its interconnections may be a key tech trend that companies can enjoy by forging early-on partnerships.
[…] on a large whiteboard are mostly gone. As teams grow bigger with projects growing more complicated, technology is stepping up to play a major role in project management. Smart project management tools, for […]
[…] it’s true the majority of users and businesses have moved to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp or Messenger; however, many still prefer normal […]