It is obvious that you will get irritated by receiving unwanted phone calls. And if you no longer have the energy to tolerate such callers, you can block their number. Once you block any number , the blocked number will be sent to voicemail when they try to reach you. Moreover, the person who’s number is blocked won’t get alerted that you’ve done so, and there’s no way for them to find out that you’ve blocked them.

How to block a Phone number on Android?
- 1. Open the Phone app.
- 2. While on the Dial or Call Logs tab, tap the More Options menu, constituting of three vertical dots on the top right corner.
- 3. select Call Settings from the menu present on the screen.
- 4. select Call blocking and Decline with message in the call settings.
- 5. select Blocked numbers.
6. Tap the plus sign(+) on the top right corner to add the number you would want to block. - 7. On the pop-up that appears, click on New Number. You can also choose to block a number from your contacts or call logs on the same pop-up.
- 8. Manually enter the phone number you wish to block calls and texts from then select “Block”
This is how you block a phone number on an android phone. If you’ve liked this article or have found this article helpful please like and share it with your friends if they’re annoyed by unwanted calls too.
Check out other articles related to blocking on our website.
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